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Hire a Drug Charges Attorney Santa Monica for Your Case

Drug crimes can be quite severe and the penalties can start to add up and seem overwhelming. Whether is it your first charge or a repeat offense you should be contacting a Santa Monica drug charges attorney right away. The penalties that you could be facing could be quite severe, more likely than not if it is a repeat charge. Having a drug crime lawyer to help you will significantly help you get a more reasonable punishment. You want a lawyer who will not be intimidated by the severity or complexity of your drug crime.

Kosnett Law Firm are a Santa Monica criminal defense law firm who have the best lawyers to handle your drug crime case. Their attorneys have represented those who are first time offenders to people who have been charges with multiple drug crimes. Having an attorney that is skilled in both types of cases should make you feel very confident in your choice of Santa Monica lawyer. You could be charged with a drug charge if you have any narcotic or controlled drug without a valid prescription. In those cases, you could be faced with some hefty fines or even jail time. Make sure your rights are protected and looked after by hiring an attorney from Santa Monica criminal law firm Kosnett Law Firm.

Directions To Our Los Angeles, CA Criminal justice attorney Law Firm

Kosnett Law Firm

Address:11601 Wilshire Blvd Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (310) 862-6318

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